Ichiba Japan pre-order products

Pre-order products are items that have not yet been released on the market or are not currently in stock with the supplier, but which you can order in advance to guarantee that you'll be the first to get them!

Your card will only be debited when your pre-order is ready to ship, and you'll be kept informed throughout the process. If you change your mind, you can cancel your order free of charge at any time before it's shipped.

Orders are only shipped once all the items they contain are ready. This means that if an order contains one or more pre-order items, it will not be shipped until all pre-order items are ready.

So we recommend placing a separate orders for your pre-order items.

The expected shipping date for pre-order items is always indicated on the product page.

Ichiba Japan guarantees

  • Authentic products

    ✔️ Authentic products

  • Shipped from Japan

    ✔️ Shipped from Japan

  • Worldwide delivery

    ✔️ Worldwide delivery

  • secured checkout

    ✔️ SSL/HTTPS Secured checkout